Pandemic Operational Plan

Pandemic Operational Plan – Buckland Auto Sales

Date: August 2021 (Revision 1)

Business address: 236 S INDUSTRIAL DR, PRINCE ALBERT, SK S6V 7L8

At Buckland Auto Sales, the health of our employees and customers are important to us. We have created this document to clarify the actions that Buckland Auto Sales will take in order to ensure the wellbeing of everyone in our place of business and community. This document can be found in digital format available in our Occupational Health and Safety grouping and can be available by printed copy upon request. Regular updating may be required and will be updated by the Occupational Health & Safety contact/supervisor. Should you have any questions, recommendations or concerns, please contact Justin Olson at (306)763-8056 or [email protected].


Buckland Auto Sales will affix signage on proper hand hygiene, respiratory hygiene, and physical distancing throughout the facility and outdoor settings as applicable. At a minimum, signage must be placed at any common entrance and location where people tend to congregate. Should you have any questions, recommendations or concerns, please contact Justin Olson at (306)763-8056 or [email protected].
The required signage has been affixed in this location in the appropriate locations: Yes No N/A

Public Health Authority Sign

(throughout the facility and outdoor as applicable) 

Physical Distancing Sign

(throughout the facility and outdoor as applicable)

Stop: Do Not Enter Sign

(customer points of entry)

Employee Symptoms Sign

(employee points of entry, employee rooms if applicable)

Open for Business Sign 

(customer points of entry)

Hand Sanitizer Sign 

(entries, exits, and other sanitizing stations if applicable)

Standing in Line

 (At the cashier line location(s))

Debit/Credit Terminal Sign

(all point-of-sale terminals & customer points of entry)

Cleaning and Disinfecting Public Spaces

(common employee spaces if applicable)

Elevator Safety

(Inside elevator & at entrance to the elevator)

Best Practices Guide for Wellness and Hygiene

(manager’s office and/or common employee spaces if applicable)

A list of important emergency resources

(This would include a list of local public health screening centres, mental health resources, self-screening links, contacts for public health authorities etc.)

Buckland Auto Sales will ensure the physical distancing of 2 meters (6 feet) at all times for both our clients and employees while conducting any part of our business as well as any lines entering our place of business, as well as requirements for this industry as per the Government of Saskatchewan’s reopening plan. Should you have any questions, recommendations or concerns, please contact Justin Olson at (306)763-8056 or [email protected].

The following physical distancing measures are in place at this location:

  • Clients and employees must not be permitted to congregate in large groups;
  • Clients and employees will avoid common greetings, such as handshakes;
  • A Designated employee shall monitor adherence to physical distancing requirements on premises;
  • The number of employees on-site will be restricted in respect to the space available;
  • Customers may partake in their activity while maintaining physical distancing requirements; 
  • The workplace has been altered to ensure physical distancing requirements (I.e. arrange furniture position to allow 2-meter rule, provide visual cues on floor for distancing and for directional movement of clients);
  • Situations where interfacing between employees and customers is common might deserve special considerations for mutual protection (I.e. installing a plexiglass screen at the cash, have the customer service representative wear a reminder for customers to keep their distance); 
  • Staff rooms and break rooms will be arranged to follow physical distancing practices including staggered break times to reduce employee gathering numbers.
  • Inventory rooms will be arranged to follow physical distancing practices including staggered replenishment times to reduce employee gathering numbers.
  • Clear signs will be posted in multiple locations indicating the physical distancing requirements.
The following employee(s) is(are) responsible for monitoring adherence to physical distancing requirements at this location:
Aaron Goldade Justin Olson
Buckland Auto Sales has developed cleaning protocols to ensure that all common areas are cleaned and disinfected daily, or more often as required (I.e. if soiled). Health and Safety is a responsibility that belongs to everyone in the workplace. Should you have any questions, recommendations or concerns, please contact Justin Olson at (306)763-8056 or [email protected].

The following cleaning and disinfection procedures are in place at this location:

  • Buckland Auto Sales will ensure that all the necessary supplies such as hot/cold potable running water, liquid soap, paper towel, and garbage bins, for handwashing; or minimum 60% alcohol based hand sanitizer; toilet paper, cleaning and disinfecting supplies and personal protection equipment (non-medical masks and disposable gloves) are available as appropriate; 
  • Buckland Auto Sales will ensure that employees are trained on how to clean and disinfect surfaces and use personal protection equipment if needed;
  • Employees cleaning the workspaces should read and follow manufacturer’s instructions for safe use of cleaning and disinfection and the direction according to the label directions and instruction from an authorized overseeing manager. Cleaning and disinfecting supplies that clean and disinfect all at once may require the use of disposable gloves, these should be disposed of appropriately after cleaning. More information on cleaning and disinfection can be found on the Government of Canada website  on page 15 of the Government of Saskatchewan’s Reopening plan.
  •  Employees and clients should not be present in the area during the cleaning of the workplace to allow enough contact time for disinfectants to kill germs based on the product being used; 
  • Items such as countertops, chairs (including below the front of the seat), rental/shared tools and equipment, phones, whiteboard markers, cashier equipment, light switches, public washrooms, doorknobs, handrails, elevator buttons, cabinet handles, faucet handles, tables, vending machines, and furniture may need to be disinfected more frequently throughout the day.
The following employee(s) is(are) responsible for the monitoring of supplies to ensure stock is maintained during operating hours:
Justin Olson
The following employee(s) is(are) responsible for maintaining the house cleaning and disinfecting log:
Justin Olson
Buckland Auto Sales will ensure that all employees are informed of the best practices to encourage proper hygiene etiquette. Additionally, the necessary products and equipment will be available to you in the workplace to follow these best practices. Health and Safety is a responsibility that belongs to everyone is the workplace and we encourage you to review the Government of Saskatchewan’s COVID-19 Workplace Information. We have also reviewed our sick leave policy & Health and safety policy to ensure employees are not coming to work unless they are healthy. Should you have any concerns about your wellbeing in the workplace, please contact Justin Olson at (306)763-8056 or [email protected].

The following employee wellness and hygiene procedures are in place at this location:

While at work to help stop the spread of germs:

  • Avoid touching your eyes, nose or mouth
  • Cover your mouth and nose with a tissue when you cough or sneeze and throw the used tissue in the trash;
  • If you do not have a tissue, cough or sneeze into your elbow, not in your hands and then wash your hands immediately afterwards;
  • When coming into work and leaving work, please wash/sanitize your hands for 20 seconds
  • You are encouraged to clean your cell phone upon arriving at work with a sanitizer wipe (if available);
  • Respect the 2-meter physical distancing measures with all your colleagues and clients;
  • Handshakes, hugs and direct contact are not permitted;
  • Avoid contact with people who are sick
  • Indicate your arrival and departure times accurately using the provided timesheets.
  • We encourage you to remind your colleagues and clients of the wellness and hygiene measures put into place.

Should you feel unwell (I.e. coughing, sneezing, fever, shortness of breath, runny nose, etc.), think you have come into contact with someone with COVID-19, or have someone from your household return from travelling abroad:

  • If you have symptoms or think that you might have COVID-19, please use the Screening Questionnaire for COVID-19.
  • Please notify Justin Olson at (306)763-8056 or by direct message immediately.
  • We ask that you do not present yourself at work with COVID-19 symptoms and self-isolate until further authorized direction.
  • To reduce the burden on the health care system and reduce additional exposure to ill individuals, the company’s sick note policy has been temporarily reviewed to no longer require a medical practitioner’s note. Please be aware that you will be required to provide a fit-to-work assessment before coming back into the workplace.
Buckland Auto Sales requires all employees, contractors, and scheduled visitors to pre-screen prior to entering the premises or designated job site(s). This self-assessment shall be conducted on a daily basis by each individual and by answering the screening questionnaire found below. Should you have any questions, recommendations or concerns, please contact Justin Olson at (306)763-8056 or [email protected].


1. Do you have any of following symptoms: fever/feverish, cough, sore throat, headache, runny nose, chills, muscle and/or joint aches and pains, nasal congestion, conjunctivitis, dizziness, fatigue, diarrhea, nausea/vomiting, loss of appetite, loss of sense of taste/smell, shortness of breath, difficulty breathing? 

    • If you answered YES and have only one symptom, stay home and do not return until you are fully recovered or as directed by an authorized health official. Please update your immediate supervisor. 
    • If you answered YES and have 2 or more of the symptoms, self-isolate at home and call 811 immediately. Please update your immediate supervisor.


2. If you have answered YES to any of the following, then you must stay home and self-isolate for 14 days or as directed by an authorized health official. If you develop symptoms, please refer to the self- assessment link on the Government of Saskatchewan’s webpage.

    • Have you had close contact within the last 14 days with a confirmed case of COVID-19? 
    • Have you had close contact within the last 14 days with a person being tested for COVID-19?
    • You have been diagnosed with COVID-19 or are waiting results of a lab test for COVID-19?
    • Have you returned from travel outside of Canada within the last 14 days?
    • Have you have been told by public health that you may have been exposed to COVID-19?
In the event there is a positive COVID-19 test result from an employee or customer of our business that has recently visited or been in contact with other staff or customers, Public Health shall be notified immediately and all recommended action followed. This may include sharing visitor and staff logs along with the temporary closure of the business until further notice as directed by an authorized health official.
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